Gift ideas for Mother’s Day inspired by search data:

A poll was done to find the most often searched gifts for Mother’s Day. Although the day is almost here, there is still time to pull a gift together for your mom if you choose to give one that you make yourself, or one that can be easily picked up at a local store. Here are some of the most popular ideas to help if you’re stumped. Vancouver WA senior housing

The most popular gift idea in Washington state is a bamboo plant, and the most popular in Oregon is an edible fruit arrangement, both of which are great last minute options. Other searchers looked for information about chocolate gifts, cookie recipes and other food gifts including chocolate strawberries and cake pops. As you might imagine, many loving sons and daughters searched for flowers and flower arrangements.

Some were looking for electronic gifts including iPads, fitness trackers and bluetooth speakers. Jewelry is another favorite gift for mothers, as are spa and manicure gifts.

Some people were looking for ideas of a more personal nature such as a shadow box or a poem. A handwritten note or a love poem is always a highly appreciated gift. Family photos in a nice frame also make a treasured gift for any mom.

And here are some less traditional ideas that are perfect for some moms, maybe yours? A tea gift set, wind chimes, workout equipment, a coffeemaker, or a bird feeder. But the one gift that never fails to delight and satisfy any mom is the gift of your time. Visit or call on Mother’s day if you can. It’s a gift that will mean a lot to her.