How loneliness impacts health

As people move into later life, loneliness and isolation may become an increasingly significant health issue. Many of the aging generation today may be experiencing the effects of divorce and geographic distance from family. They may be more likely to be without strong social networks than generations of the past. There have been many studies done lately that show a relationship betweeen loneliness and poor health and earlier death. Those seniors who felt consistently lonely have a 14% higher risk of premature death than those who aren’t feeling lonely all the time. 45% of adults over age 65 are separated, divorced or widowed. 28% of those over age 65 (and 46% of women) live alone.

A recent study done at the University of Chicago highlights the connection between loneliness in older adults and the causes of earlier death. The study found that loneliness affects longevity almost as much as being poor. Another researcher says that “loneliness may be as important a predictor of adverse health outcomes as many traditional medical risk factors.”  It has been documented that feeling lonely and isolated can lead to several physiological changes including less restful sleep, increased blood pressure, elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and feeling depressed.Senior living Clark County WA

Another study found that feelings of loneliness, rather than just being alone, are related to an increased risk of dementia (in later life). We may feel more lonely as we age because many or our significant relationships come to an end. We retire from jobs and lose touch with colleagues, we move to warmer climates away from friends and family, our children relocate, friends and family members die.

The good news is that there are things that can be done to remedy pervasive loneliness. One of the most effective solutions is to change one’s living situation. Older adults who move into senior living communities often say they wish they had made the move sooner. In an adult family home there are lots of opportunities for conversation and shared activities. There is often access to transportation, help with daily tasks, and plenty of social interaction. For more information about our outstanding adult family homes, go to Senior Living Clark County WA .