Personal care homes are a good fit for seniors:
Personal care home is another name for adult family home, or residential care home. In other states they may go by the name adult foster home or adult care home. These homes offer personalized care to a small group of adults. They are family homes in neighborhoods providing lodging, meals, and assistance with daily living activities. The services and standards for personal care homes vary from state to state. In Washington, homes may have no more than 6 residents, while Oregon personal care homes are allowed to house 5 or less residents.
There are many advantages to living in an adult family home or personal care home versus a larger assisted living facility. There is a family atmosphere in these small settings, and the staff-to-resident ratio is high. Those who live in these homes gets lots of attention and very personalized service.
Adult family homes vary greatly in their home style, their mix of residents, and their management style, so it’s important to personally visit each home you are considering for yourself or your loved one. It’s crucial to make sure the home you choose is a good fit, and when it is, it will feel just like your own home.