Laughter really is the best medicine

A recent article from the Mayo Clinic extolled the virtues of laughter as an excellent stress reliever. They admit it can’t cure every ailment, but there is more and more data about all the good laughter can do. Here are some of the immediate benefits of a good laugh. It actually creates physical changes in your body. adult family homes in Vancouver WA

Laughter stimulates many of the body’s organs by increasing your intake of oxygen-rich air. It stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles. It also increases the amount of endorphins produced in your brain.

Good, hearty laughter first fires up, then cools down your stress response, increasing your heart rate and blood pressure just enough to produce a nice, relaxed feeling.

Laughter also stimulates circulation and contributes to muscle relaxation, both of which help sooth tension in the body.

Laughter also provides long term effects, so the more often you laugh, the more benefits you will see.

  • Laughter helps strengthen your immune system. Positive thoughts release neuropeptides that can help fight stress.
  • Laughter has been shown to relieve pain by triggering the body’s natural painkillers.
  • Laughter can make it easier to cope with difficulties and enable you to connect with other people.
  • Laughter can improve your mood and lessen depression, and of course, increase happiness.

You can see for yourself – have a good laugh, and then take stock of how you feel. Do you feel more relaxed? Lighter? Less tense? You’ve experienced laughter at work in your body and in your spirit. Now pass it on.

Here at our adult family homes in Vancouver WA, we are big fans of laughter and good times. Come visit us at Harmony Senior Homes.